The Three F-Bombs

Mindset is everything.  If you will commit to having an overcome and conquer mindset you will accomplish any goal you set.  Overcoming and Conquering isn’t just about the battleground.  It’s not just about Life Ambushes.  It’s an everyday mentality that must be plugged in to your everyday life!

As Americans we need to incorporate this mindset into everything we do.  There is no barrier too difficult to overcome. We will conquer whatever it is…if we apply the right mindset.

It’s time we start thinking about what we do as individuals to make this world a better place.  Prioritizing these three areas of your life will give you the foundation to overcome any obstacle and conquer any type of life ambush!!  When facing a major event in your life, in addition to your mindset, Jay and Ray talk about Ray “Cash” Care’s Foundational principles, the three F Bombs which are the foundation to living an Overcome and Conquer life.

F Bomb – Family

The most important foundation you can give yourself is a healthy family.  A family that enjoys being around each other.  Invest in your family. Take time to spend one on one with them.  Take time to go on a vacation.  Your family will stand with you when no one else is left.  If you will make them a priority you will reap a lifetime of benefits!

F Bomb – Fitness

Fitness doesn’t mean how good you look at the gym.  It means how healthy are you.  Mind, Body, and Soul. Are you eating right? Are you sleeping? Are you exercising at all?  Are you taking time to listen to your body?  Being fit and being healthy prepares you for any major event that could occur.  If you’re hit with cancer, the healthier you were before the diagnoses the better the outcome will be.  If your slapped with a lawsuit, the healthier you are the clearer you will thing, the better you will respond, the easier you will handle the stress.  Take time to invest in your health, not just your “look”.

F Bomb – Finances

Invest in yourself!  Invest in your family!  Invest in what lasts.  We get so caught up in the superficial things of life that we are left with very little to invest in ourselves, in growing and developing as individuals.  Create a budget and stick to it, put money in savings, include money to set aside for investing in what will last, not just the things we all want to buy today!  If we would start saving and setting aside money for our goals and dreams, when life hits us with an ambush we weren’t expecting we have something we can fall back on, we have reserves set aside to carry us through.  We must plan in our finances to overcome those financial hurdles in the future.

If you’ll focus on these three F Bombs you will see that overcoming and conquering isn’t as difficult as you once thought! And…If you haven’t already, check out our latest podcast episode for a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT