
Overcome and Survive Defense Workshop


We face an uncertain future.  Will you be ready for it?
With our survival and defense training —you will be.
Make no mistake.
We are living in challenging times.
We face an uncertain future.
Crime is exploding in most major cities.
Cyber crimes are on the rise.
We are seeing unprecedented disruptions in the economy and society.
Political leaders are more focused on political gain than societal stability.
People are more divided than any time in recent history.
We are a powder keg on the verge of detonation.
And unfortunately, it will only take one match to set it all off.
So the question is, how ready are you in the event the worst happens?
Will you be ready if violent crime suddenly shows up on your doorstep?
Will you be ready if society suddenly collapses?
Will you be ready to defend yourself, your home, your family, your business?
How long can you survive for a week in a world that infrastructure has collapsed is no longer working?
Will you be ready?
In an emergency situation, you will have the trained and untrained.
Those who have trained and have some level of readiness. And those who are untrained who will be overwhelmed in the chaos and likely pinned on the ❌ and inaction.
Which will you be?
I spent my entire adult life training to be ready for the worst, and I have experienced most worst case scenarios out there.
And now I want to help you be ready through our tactical self defense and survival training.
Join us in Moyock, NC for our Overcome and Survive two day tactical defense workshop.
I have been stabbed, shot multiple times, and overcome major life ambushes. I’ve been a military marksmanship instructor, and survival and evasion instructor. I draw on all of it to teach the Overcome Mindset to prepare for a violent act or chaotic environment.
I will bring in retired SEALs, NRA certified marksmanship experts and Special Operations Medical experts including a 20-year certified paramedic firefighter who has treated and saved thousands of lives in situations from car accidents to gunshot wounds. Between myself and my instructors we provide almost a  combined 100 years of Special Operations, medical, marksmanship training and combat and real world experience.
In this Tactical Self Defense and Survival course we will be teaching:
  • The Overcome Mindset and how to deal with violent or extreme situations
  • How to build and what items to put into an immediate survival bag (also known as a “Blow Out” or “Go Bag”)
  • Immediate trauma first aid training to save the lives of you or your family
  • A basic pistol course of instruction to learn target acquisition, malfunction drills, and magazine changes
  • De-escalation techniques and basic hand-to-hand self-defense

Additionally you will get the following:

  • All meals included
  • Lodging
  • All range rental, weapons rental and ammunition is covered
  • An Oakley Link Pack Miltac backpack to build your future Go bag with Water reservoir and Medical blowout kit with tourniquet (Blowout kit will contain kerlex dressing, Quickclot, compression bandages and other trauma first aid items)
  • Victor not Victim T-Shirt
  • Invitation to attend private post training after party
EVERYTHING Included for  $2499.
Check our couples/partner/friend pricing!!!
Financing is available upon checkout.
Due to range capacity, we have only 30 slots available.
Sign up today and reserve your slot now so you can be ready when the worst happens.

Location: Moyock, NC (Location information and additional details will be sent via email after purchase)

Date: Spring Course – April 18th – 21st 2024 | Fall Course – Nov 14th – 17th 2024

Time: TBD

Private Party – TBD

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