RED Friday Shirt


Every day of every week, of every year, American military forces are working and deployed abroad.

At any given time, a young military member has willingly placed himself or herself in harm’s way.

Jason Redman feels blessed to say, “I once was one of those young members and now am honored to be an American who recognizes the sacrifices of those who continue to serve and protect the freedom of our great nation.”

This is why it is so critical to “Remember Everyone Deployed.”

The Remember Everyone Deployed idea took off in 2005 with the widespread circulation of a specific email that recipients were supposed to forward to others. It had a very polite snippet in it for a good cause:

If every one of our members shares this with other acquaintances, fellow workers, friends, and neighbors, I guarantee that it will not be long before the USA will be covered in RED — and make our troops know there are many people thinking of their well-being. You will feel better all day Friday when you wear RED!

Some say the email chain was the impetus of the RED Friday shirt idea, but there are actually two competing origin stories surrounding this unofficial trend.

In March 2006, another more-tangible movement began in Canada that implored subscribers to wear red to support the troops who are deployed. Now, there’s no telling if this movement got its start from the previously mentioned email chain, but they do credit it as being an “American initiative.”

Regardless of the origin, the idea of wearing the color red to Remember Everyone Deployed caught traction and never lost its momentum.

Today, patriotic companies and individuals across the country have created their own versions of the RED Friday shirt.


We are honored to have done the same. Our new R.E.D. Friday shirt captures the Overcome Mindset of Jason Redman in his mission to honor his fellow veterans still standing in harm’s way.


Every year 20% of the proceeds from every R.E.D. Friday sale will go to a selected veterans non-profit organization.

  1. 2021 proceeds will go to Headstrong, a veterans non-profit focused on healing the invisible wounds of war.
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 2 in

XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL


Short Sleeve, Long Sleeve


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