The Right People, the Right Course

In my Feb. 6, 2019 discussion with Jocko Willink on his “Jocko Podcast,” Jocko and I examined numerous critical points pertaining to life, war, leadership and the Overcome mindset in the face of profound danger and adversity.

(Leave it to two former Navy SEALs to turn this stuff over and over in our minds and conversations, rehashing it all every chance we get, processing it aloud, as if the craziest, scariest experiences we’ve ever had actually pale, to some degree, to how life unfolds in the aftermath — as if the chaos of extreme challenge and the ongoing lessons learned are the real stuff of life itself, right?

Yup. Exactly.)

So many lessons from the battlefields transfer to, or parallel, in surprising ways, our battles through everyday life.

Personal leadership involves choosing the right people for your team

One lesson we discussed pertained to the decisions we make at different stages in life about who we want to be and the people we choose to identify and hang with either in support of, despite or in direct conflict with our visions and goals for ourselves in the present and the future.

It’s okay — no, it’s critical — to cut loose from people who, for whatever reason, don’t appreciate ambition in others and take their own negativity to the extent of envy, resentment and any form of sabotage of yours.

Nobody attains and maintains notable levels of success in life until they have etched upon their psyches, in one way or another, the irrefutable truth that they are the decision-makers along their own course and the ultimate leaders toward their own destination.

Life doesn’t last forever. Don’t waste the hours and energy of yours in the company of anyone who doesn’t have your best interest in mind and mindset.

Define your mission. Envision and set your destination. Stay your course, and bring only your very best, most trusted and trustworthy, most we’ve-got-one-another’s-backs team along for the long run.

Full interview here; watch it, heed it, share it:  

Watch for the early 2021 launch of my new Pointman for Life programs and planner.

“Lead always and overcome all,”
